How to find Lasting“Freedom through Mobility”.

Mike Patke President

Chair Boundless is a FREE “hands-on” program, that is designed to reach the individual with limited mobility, and show how to find “Freedom through Mobility”.

Immediate results will be noticed from the very first session. The first thing we address is situational and spatial awareness. Using Filipino escrima sticks, swinging them side to side, rotating the body to increase the blood flow to the internal organs.

Adding simple patterns helps with “eye-hand” coordination, and timing. Striking a focus pad will add to strength and cardio endurance. Pairing up with a coach or other students will help build a rapport with training partners.
Our goal in Chair Boundless Self Defense is to help raise the individual’s self-esteem, by setting personal and achievable goals that every individual can recognize themselves. Thus having the confidence to say “I can do this.”

Embracing Bruce Lee’s concept of “Having No Limitations as your Only Limitation”

“Freedom through Mobility”.

Instructors interested in teaching this program and adding Chair Boundless, to your school, please send me a message Thank You. Mike Patke 951-333-9149

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